Lockers Invitation Form

Please provide all the information above to receive a Lockerz invite. You will receive the invite by e-mail as that is the only way to become a Lockerz member, so be sure to provide an e-mail address that you will check in the near future. I try to send out all invitations within 24 hours of your submission. ***DON'T FORGET YOUR EMAIL PROVIDER! I CANNOT GUESS IT!***

About Lockerz

Lockerz is a website that rewards its members for being active and signing in every day. You can also answer VERY simple daily questions to earn extra! Lockerz gives you PTZ for signing in and completing a daily question. These PTZ can be spent on items in their prizes section. They have items ranging from Xbox 360's, PS3's to purses and paintball guns. The site is invitation only right now to give a feel of the website before its full launch sometime in fall 2009!

*I am in no way affiliated with the Lockerz company, I am just a regular member sending out free invites to their site.*